Monday, January 3, 2011

Camping and Traveling in Northern Thailand

We started out with our backpacks full, ready so see as much of Northern Thailand as possible in one week. 

Camping looked a little different than I'm used to, but it was fun regardless.  We paid 120 Baht per tent then set up where we wanted. My favorite part was being so close to the river.  My least favorite part was showering with cold water in a bucket when I could see my breath outside.  You know it is cold when you can see steam coming off your body as you pour cold water over you.

We cooked Top Ramen over a little fire.  For dessert we cooked red kidney beans in water with sugar.  They were surprisingly good.

Our first morning we headed out at 4:00 a.m. to reach the dam (in the next couple of pictures) as the sun was rising.  People in the village near the dam were selling instant coffee, hot chocolate and soup to the crazy tourists (us.)

This is the school of the village near the dam.  The teacher led the kids in some exercises before class began to warm everyone up. 

Next we headed to another lake.  

And then to the Phasua Waterfalls.

More travels led us to a hot springs and mud pit. 

For a small price, visitors could get their face painted with the mud.  Then they had to sit and let it dry before washing it off and feeling refreshed.  Don't ask me to explain how kids get in trouble for getting muddy but adults will pay for mud to be slathered on their face.  :)  

We passed many Buddhist temples. 

Wat Phra Thap Doi Kong Mu had an opening with a figure inside for each day of the week.  Tuesday was sleeping, other days were standing or sitting.

 At the Karen Long Neck Hilltribe village, these elephants were being led down the street. 

Supposedly we passed 1864 curves to get to Mae Hong Song.  One person got carsick.  I slept. 

Many peaceful places to enjoy God's creation. 

Many beautiful sunsets to praise and stand in awe of the Creator.

Picking pomelos.

Playing with cousins of my traveling buddies.

Another cousin showed us how to play this traditional Thai instrument. 

Hiking up a river with a family we stayed with.

It was great to get out of the city and relax/enjoy another aspect of this amazing country I call home.

Next week...Kids and Coffee!

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