Thursday, March 4, 2010

The After School Tutoring Whirlwind

3:45-We arrive at Ruthie’s house to begin setting up for after school tutoring. Tables, chairs, and jars of pencils must be placed in the living room and extra bedroom.
3:50-Small hands bang on the front door of the apartment. “10 more minutes!” Ruthie yells.
4:00-The doors are opened and kids run inside, each getting a squirt of hand sanitizer before they get too far.
4:05-Kids from 3 to 12 years old work on homework. The little guys and anyone who finishes early draw on colored paper with crayons (at least that’s what they are supposed to do…however, it’s more common to see the kids running from room to room chasing each other, singing songs at the top of their lungs, or fighting over who gets to use the glitter glue.) Between 2 and 5 adults help with homework and try to keep the kids from destroying the house.
4:10-I begin dinner: 7 boxes of macaroni and cheese, 3 cans of roast beef, 3 cans of mixed veggies will be combined to make a hot meal for the kids.
4:20-Tino and Lizet help pass out fruit snacks and cups of juice.
4:45-We start encouraging kids to clean up and find a seat for dinner.
4:50-Dinner is served. The older kids help pass out bowls of food and refills of juice.
5:15-All the dirty bowls and forks are in the sink and the kids gather, sitting on the floor in the living room, to hear a Bible story.
5:30-Ms. Paula leads the children in some songs with hand motions about the love of God and how he knows each of us by name.
5:40-The kids work on an art project, today they are painting small piggy banks.
5:55-Everyone begins to clean up, gather homework, jackets, and art projects to take home.
6:00-"Goodbye!"  Some kids walk home, others get picked up by Mom.
6:05-Visit with Moms for a few minutes and help the stragglers get out the door.
6:10-We clean up the house.  Ian and Ruthie live here, so we put away the art supplies, vacuum, wipe off and put away the tables and chairs, load the dishwasher with all the dishes from dinner, and take out the trash.
6:30-The house looking respectable again, we head out the door, "See you tomorrow!"

1 comment:

  1. And all the time, I envision you right in the middle of it all with your great smile. I know God will continue to bless as you give of yourself to others.
