Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Noisiest Thunderstorm Yet

 Photograph by Michael K. Nichols

Less than a second after I saw the lightning light up my dark wall, the whole building physically shook with the pound of thunder.  I wasn't going to let this display of God's creation pass me by, so out of bed I climbed, found my glasses and headed up the stairs. 

On the roof I enjoyed standing in awe of a mighty orchestra of God's glory.  The lightning so bright at times that I couldn't look directly at it, and the thunder so thick it seemed to shake the air.  It was as close as I can imagine to Moses on the mountaintop. 

From this stage I couldn't keep myself from worshiping.  Songs flowed from a heart in awe and love of our mighty Creator until my throat was raw and then some more.  Flowing from worship, my prayers for this country began.  For the king, queen, and royal family; for the members of parliament and their families, leaders in each province and their families, others in government and authority and their families.  For the businessmen, shop owners, street vendors and their families.  For the tourists, prostitutes, sea gypsies, lady boys, and their families.  For those in the villages and those in the cities.  For those in the north, south, east, west, and those abroad.  For the university students, high school students, elementary school students, kindergartners, preschoolers, babies, and their parents, siblings, grandparents and extended family.

I prayed that all those who felt the rain, all the households the rain touched, would know the name of Christ personally in the next five to ten years.  That this generation would be a breakthrough, this generation would be the one to change this Buddhist nation. I prayed that the next time it rains like this I wouldn't be the only one on my roof standing in awe of the Creator and his creation.

Photograph by William R. Curstinger

1 comment:

  1. Hey Julia
    This is me and Ellen. We are about to do "Freedom Camp/Death to Self Camp" We just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you and the Thai people. We love you and Miss you.

    Ellen says eat some Rotti for her.
    Be Blessed!
