Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Taco Night...In Pictures!

We began by learning how to make tortillas from Eileen.

It took a lot of practice.
Then we learned how to make a Thai dessert.

Soy boiled some frog eggs...I mean tapioca...
Then we learned how to make a sweet egg. 
(You poach it in sugar water.)
The boys were responsible for figuring out how to get the coconut milk out of the coconut.
Time to eat!

Eileen demonstrated how to build a taco.

Then everyone made their own.

Boy, Knock, and Soy's first bite.


Dessert time. 
Frog eggs (I mean tapioca) and sweet egg in warm coconut milk.  It was very tasty!

Knock made a birthday cake for Jill.

Our friends sang Happy Birthday to Jill in Thai then in Korean.

Mina noticed this poster in my room.  We had a good discussion about what it means.

Game time!

Jinga was a familiar favorite in both Korea and Thailand.

(But it might not be Eileen's favorite anymore.)

Before the evening was over we had to dress Jill up like a Thai warrior.
 Many good memories!

1 comment:

  1. If you're eating sweet eggs, does that make you a sweet egghead? Okay, just sweet.

