Sunday, January 17, 2010

Unexpected Opportunity

Trusan dropped off her two children at the upstairs room of the apartment leasing office, also known as the after school tutoring program. As the kids began getting their homework out of their backpacks, Trusan lingered. My roommates began helping the kids, and I looked toward their mom. She hesitated, then said, “I need to fill out a job application.” “I would love to help you.” I responded, and it was the truth. This was the first time Trusan and I met, but what better way to get to know someone than by learning about their life?

We sat down at one of the computers along the side of the tutoring room. Trusan’s bronze skin and dark wavy hair glowed in front of the screen. For the next 3 hours I had the privilege of learning about Trusan’s life. Learning she came to Atlanta as a refugee from Afghanistan, although she was born in Iran. Learning she has lived in the United States about two years and recently got laid off from her first job here. Trusan went to a university in Turkmenistan. (She graciously had to show me on a globe where that is located.) With a masters degree in biology and an emphasis in anatomy, we were filling out an application to a clothing store. Her daughter is in third grade and her son in first grade. She is very grateful they can come to the tutoring program and wants them to excel in school.

It is amazing how easily the Lord expands our heart to love someone. It is incredible how much you can learn about someone in a few hours if you just take the time to ask and listen. This week I am looking forward to getting to know Trusan and her children even more and sharing the love of Christ with them.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sister. I will pray for your work with Trusan and Sarah. I pray that God will open the hearts of these two women to hear His gospel and that you will be used bountifully in this area. I know the Lord has given you the heart to love others and that you are always willing to help.
