The night before English Camp started the university students and I gathered together. "The camp will be for about 180 students in ninth-grade who speak almost no English." We were told by the leader who invited us. "What will you do with them?"
If it were up to me, that question would have sent my stress level over my head. Instead, the university students jumped into brainstorming mode, turning the next two hours into a laughter-filled conversation that resulted in activities, games, songs, and lessons for camp.
To teach the kids that they don't need to be afraid of making mistakes, I translated the camp rules into Thai. They laughed at my mistakes, but we made a deal. If I was going to try to speak Thai, they had to try to speak English. |
Thai students are used to lining up and listening. We tried not to keep them in this position for too long. |
Some classrooms look very similar to a classroom in you would find in the States. |
The school grounds look a little different though. |
Practicing teamwork (using English!) |
At one station, students learned about Thai herbs. |
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Vocabulary and art can go hand in hand. |
Making people bookmarks helped us practice our colors and body parts. |
See the picture of the king in on the right side of the whiteboard? His picture is in every classroom. |
Camp wouldn't have been complete without some silly songs. We also taught the students some worship songs. |
By the end of camp, students were asking for my Facebook name and taking tons of pictures. |
Maybe the most encouraging part is that the school's English teacher is a Christian. He will be at the school all year long and is connected with a Thai church in the area.
May God work through these students and this community to make his name great in Chachoengsao!
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