Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy LOVE Day

LOVE is on our minds.  Even in Thailand. 

We gathered to show God's LOVE. Sure, it was a Valentine party. But really, we gather like this every week, and our intentions are the same. 

This Friday night, five countries were represented.  Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, and none-of-the-above. Prostitutes, computer techs, missionaries and som tam vendors.  Mothers in wedlock, mothers out of wedlock.  Students, kids, retired people.  Lesbian, gay, single, married....the list could go on and on.

But our similarities outnumber our differences. We are all God's creation. We are all in need of his LOVE and mercy.  We are all sewn into God's plan, whether we like it or not. 

Earlier in the week, during English class, I asked students to complete the following sentence about their life.

"It wasn't part of my plan to..."

My student from Japan continued, "...get married in Thailand."
My student who came in late said, "...sleep in so long this morning."
Another shared, " in an accident." 
"...see the sidewalk sign for English class."
"...have foreign friends." 

What if God uses that sidewalk sign and those foreign friends to forever alter a life's "plan."  Am I ready for that?  Am I ready to adjust my plan so that His plan of LOVE can shine forth?

One year ago we were just throwing around the idea of English classes.  There was no coffee shop.  We had no pastor.  We knew a handful of students, but none of them were involved in a small group Bible study.  M, P, N, A, P, and G weren't Christians. 

When I am reminded of God's plan, I am in awe.  To try to take credit for any part of those things happening would be ludicrous. 

What if in the next year some of my students could say, "It wasn't part of my plan to meet God, but I did, and He is AWESOME!"

So this Valentine's Day, an expanded idea of LOVE is on my mind.  LOVE that  can see ahead to the bigger picture.  LOVE that counters my plan and pushes on towards His.  LOVE that spans the differences, so that He can be treasured more deeply.

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