When I went to my hometown, I brought a couple of my American friends. My father asked, "Are they Christians coming to serve Father?" "What?" I asked, confused. (My dad is Buddhist.)
"You know, the Father of the world." Dad has worked outside of Thailand, in Singapore and places like that, so he is familiar with a lot of religions.
(Could he really be referring to God? I wondered to myself?)

"Do you believe in the Christian God?" Dad asked.
I stood silent. I hadn't told them yet. Then my mother shouted from the other side of the room, "Don't you go changing religions on me."
My dad nodded at my silence. He understood. Mom, on the other hand, is very concerned about which of her children are going to make merit for her after my sister became Muslim.
My whole province is full of very strict Buddhists. It's not like most of Thailand where people are cultural Buddhists. My neighbors are serious about what they believe. All over the province are many important temples, honored monks, and sacred bones of past monks. There's not a single church near my parent's house.
I wasn't surprised when my parents wanted me to go to the temple to make merit. They actually wrote my name down on the paper to make a new giant bell for merit ringing. I was really uncomfortable, but I didn't feel like I had a lot of options. I didn't participate, but everyone asked me why.
That's one reason I was hesitant to go home since I became a Christian.
6 days later...
"Julia! I told my mom I am a Christian and she was okay!" Were the first words out of A's mouth when I saw her. "She said I can do whatever is good for me."
A was glowing. Freedom, relief, and joy, filled her face.
***Praise God that as students have gotten up the courage to tell their parents they have decided to follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior, God has prepared their parents to hear it and love them anyway!***