Monday, January 28, 2013

In Who's Hands?

Making carrot cake with small group friends, a great way to build community.
"I took a Muslim guy to Bible class."  B said nonchalantly as we all sat down for small group.

"That's awesome!  What did he think of it?"  I asked.

"He's open to learning new things." 

"A Cambodian man I had never met before sat next to me.  He struck up a conversation, and said he knew nothing about Christ then asked me to tell him about Jesus' life and what I believe."  Another group member shared. 

Snacks never hurt the small group atmosphere.
This is the type of thing we celebrate.  With new believers or not-yet believers making up over half, and sometimes three fourths of our small group, we are talking a lot about what living like Christ means. 

It means showing mercy, taking risks, trusting each other, being patient, showing love on the physical needs level, showing love on the spiritual needs level, stepping out of our comfort zones, serving, opening up, asking questions, and being ready when God gives the opportunity.  We are building our foundation in Christ and growing together.

Where do we even begin?

That question has daunted me on multiple occasions.  Becoming too overwhelmed by it could stop me from pushing onward at all.  I regularly have to hand back to God the concerns I have for each small group member, knowing they are out of place if they are in my hands. 

We take growing together a day at a time.  In seeking Christ everyday, we trust he will do what we can't, impact the lives of those we love or don't even know yet.  And ultimately we trust God with the miracle of the growth. 

Celebrating a birthday with cheesecake!

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