Sunday, April 3, 2011

English students playing a game to see which team can think of the most household chores. 

"I'm going to try out this other god, the one they call Jesus.  If he's not real, I'll come back.  Please don't be mad at me."   G said to the row of golden figures above his bed.  

That was the night before G came to Baan Jai Diaow (BJD) for worship.  Worship was different at the dorm.  "They worship a living God."  He recalls thinking.

God had been working in G's life for a long time.  We first met when he came to the dorm for English class.  One day, he agreed to come to Tuesday night worship.  The first night he felt he had to apologize to his golden statues, but not long after that, he had found confidence in Jesus to throw them all in the trash and trust in Christ alone.

Praise God for working in the lives of students in Bangkok! 


  1. Such an encouraging post! Praise God and thanks for sharing!

  2. Julia! Thanks for such an encouraging post! The Lord has blessed me today because of the ministry He is doing over there through you guys! I pray all is well!
