Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sprinkling the Word

What does it look like to sprinkle God's truth throughout all conversations?  I'm still trying to figure this out myself, but here are some examples of how it happened recently.

Setting:  Saturday afternoon,  street coffee stand
Cast:  B, a Thai Buddhist friend who works at the coffee stand

Fleur, a Christ-follower from France
Fleur: Are you working tomorrow?
B: Yes, I work everyday.
Fleur: Did you know that God created the world and everything in it in six days then he rested on the seventh day?
B: Really?
Fleur: Yes.  And if God took a day for rest, then it is okay for us to rest for a day each week too. 
B:  I must work to make money. (smiles and finishes making our coffee)

Setting: Thursday evening, teaching business English class
Cast: P, a Thai student learning English, culturally Buddhist
Julia, me, the teacher

P: You are very brave for coming to live here all by yourself.
Julia: I believe that God will protect me and take care of me.
P: Do your parents worry about you?
Julia: They also believe that God will take care of me.

The following week P had some more questions...

P: Do you get paid to teach English?
Julia: No.
P: Then why do you teach?
Julia: I just like to get to know people.
P: You are very kind.
Julia: Well, I used to be a very selfish person, but my life was changed by Jesus Christ.  Can I tell you about it?

After sharing my testimony and the good news of salvation through Christ, P responded with "Thank you, Jesus!"  These words are a result of God working in her life, and I pray her desire to know Christ increases every week.
English students playing a game of matching present perfect verbs with their simple past tense.

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