fleeting, passing, dragging, running A most valuable commody. Never enough. Always passing.

Rusty and me celebrating his birthday.
I have been privileged over the past few weeks to have time. I've had time to spend with friends and family in Reno, talk to people who are partnering with me in going to Thailand, and get things in order for leaving the country. God scheduled my time in Reno perfectly, as I have been able to help out around the house after Mom's foot surgery (doesn't her foot look cool?!) enjoy the church camp-out with my brothers and sisters in Christ, and celebrate my brother's 19th birthday (with a surprise party!) Not only has this past month been a time of relationships but also a time of logistics. Living overseas requires much preparation including working out banking, taxes, health insurance, visas, and travel arrangements.
It has been a great encouragement to visit with people who are partnering with me, catch up on what God has been doing in life, share about what we will be doing in Thailand, read the Word together, and pray together. I have also had the privilege to spend time alone with the Lord, studying the Word, praying for the team members already in Bangkok and those yet to arrive. I have enjoyed worshiping our Savior in his creation on hikes in the area as well. Below is the Hunter Creek hike though desert, meadows, and woods, culminating at a beautiful waterfall.
I leave to visit family and friends in Southern California this week. Part of my time will be meeting with people to talk about reaching those who have never heard of Christ in Thailand, and part of my time will be spent with my grandparents and aunt. Spending time with them before I leave is important to me because time is a most valuable commodity, and they are worth it.
I fly out of L.A. on the 18th of this month. Pray my visa comes in time and for a safe journey.